четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

Physical Activity Can Boost Kids’ Brains

1.)What can also help you learn more easily?
2.)What scientists are saying about psyhical exercise?
3.)How much time do kids need to exercise a day to do better in math, reading and spelling?
4.)What does help a brain work better?
5.)What kind of food is called "brain foods"?
6.)What kind of food is also very good for the brain?
7.)Why is a good night's sleep also important?
8.)What have studies shown about children's not getting enough sleep?

четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

Proverbs And Sayings About Work

Work is the greatest thing in the world, so we should always save some for tomorrow.
(Труд - это величайшее благо, которое есть в этом мире, и поэтому мы всегда должны оставлять какую-то часть нашей работы на завтра.)

Hard work means prosperity; only a fool idles away his time.
(Тяжелая работа означает достаток; только дурак ленится.)

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
(Умей дело делать - умей и позабавиться. Мешай дело с бездельем, проживешь век с весельем.)

Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great. (Fernando Flores)
(Хорошая работа сделана теми людьми, которые не боятся быть отличными.)

Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is. (Elbert Hubbard)
(Получайте удовольствие от вашей работы или вы никогда не поймёте, что такое счастье.)

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. (Theodore Roosevelt)
(Несомненно, лучшая награда, которую предлагает жизнь - это возможность усердно работать на стоящей работе.)

среда, 14 сентября 2011 г.

Job Description

For this description I have chosen a lawyer and his job.
I think, that lawyer's work is hard, but in the same time very interesting and important. For this profession human has to be morally and mentally strong, tolerant and must have a tenacious memory to remember criminal code, laws and human rights. Certanly he sould be skilful and professional.
Lawyer's work is connected with people.His job is - defend people's innocent, positions and rights in differents situations.For example, when people don't konw laws and don't know what to do in situation connected with laws, they turn to lawyer for a help.Or if human need a protect or the help to prove his innocent he asks for help lawyer and the lawyer need to do for this differents investigations, find out facts and witnesses.
This profession is interesting for me because I want to help people, protecting their rights.So in the future I want to become the lawyer.

пятница, 29 апреля 2011 г.


1)I really hate doing the ironing and washing the floor. It is so boring.
2)I don't mind empty the rubbish, wash the dishes, do the vacuuming,go shopping and tide up my room.
3)Washing the floor really get on my nerves.

среда, 6 апреля 2011 г.

A Happy End

One day was a nice day.A weather was warm and sunny.It was the good day for a walk.
One young mother wanted to go for a walk with her son.They came out and went for the walk around the town.Her son was tiny, so he was in a baby pram.They walked, walked and the son fell asleep.Then the mother decided to go to a shop to buy some products.They went to the shop up the hill for prams.She didn't want to wake up her son, so she left him near the shop.But then she moved away from the carrige,it began slide down on a roadway there were many cars.Fortunately,near there was walking a woman.She saw the moving pram and ran after it.At the last second she managed to catch the pram's handle and stop the carrige.The mother was very frightend.She quickly ran to them.The baby was crying and she picked him up.But the mam was very happy that her son is okay,so she thanked the brave woman and gave her a big box of chocolates.
After this accident the mother and the woman became good friends.And the mam never left her son like this any more.

понедельник, 14 марта 2011 г.

A letter

Dear readers,
My name is Katrina Kirby.I'm inspector K and it is my first case, you know.I think you have read about a murder.It's a really strange and mystical murder,isn't it?
I want to write to you about my thoughts and actions.
I have asked five people who was in the house as Mr Gray because I had to know who and why killed Sir Michael.All they had a reason to kill him but only one has done it.
The murderer has made an excellent mechanism where was a sharp icicle, that killed Sir Michael.I found this mechanism in the freezer but I didn't know how it works.The murderer put it there.So I offered to the witnesses whisky and ice.And then I oppened the freezer to take some ice I looked at theirs reactions and actions.I fought that since I can understand who was killed Mr Gray.
After the interrogation I gathered the witnesses together and showed them this strange mechanism.All they were worried.After that we all went to sleep.But I came back to the study because I knew, that the muderer will come after the mechanism.And I was right.Mr Gray's friend came to the study but he wasn't the muderer.He only wanted to look at this mechanism.We were talking then suddenly I heard a noise.I oppened the door and there was the housekeeper.The others came to us, too.I started to ask questions to her.And then she broke down and confessed in the murder.She was the real murderer.
In this my first case was sucessfully completed.The housekeeper put into a prison.
See you in my next case!

Yours inspector K

четверг, 3 марта 2011 г.


1.)Why did Sir Michael's friend come to him?
2.)What has K known from his story?
3.)What has K known from the secretary's story?
4.)What do you think, why was the secretary with Mr Gray?
5.)Why did Lady Elizabeth's brother hate Mr Gray?
6.)What for did he come to Gray's house?
7.)What drink did K offer to the witnesses?
8.)Why could Lady Elizabeth be a murderer?
9.)Why could be the housekeeper a murderer?
10.)Why housekeeper didn't want Mr Gray to run away with his secretary?
11.)When did they finish an interrogation?

1.Summary of 20 pages

Two weeks ago I started to read an interesting book "K's First Case".It was written by Loius Alexander.This is a detective story about inspector Katrina Kirby and her first case.
There has been a murder in a big country house in England.One of five people murdered Sir Michael Gray in his study.The study and the window were locked from the inside but someone murdered him.Except Sir Michael in house were his wife Lady Elizabeth, her brother, Sir Michael's secretary, his friend and Gray's family housekeeper.
At 9.30 three of the other people broke down the door to the study and found Mr Gray laying dead on the floor.Then his wife called the police and K arrived with them.
After the police investigation they have known answers to free important questions:Mr Gray didn't die of poison, a murderer killed him with something sharp and he died at 9.25.
K asked some questions to the other people, who was in the house as Mr Gray.She has asked the housekeeper and the wife and has known, that this evening he and his wife were fighting, she doesn't like young secretaries and then they found Sir Michael dead, the secretary was in the garden.

четверг, 3 февраля 2011 г.

Task for pupils about Valentine's Day

1)Who was Valentine?
2)What has St.Valentine done that Emperor Claudius 2nd sentence him to death?
3)What do we need to use to do a gift lady-cow for the Valentine's Day?(watch the video)
4)How to say "I love you" in Indonesian?
5)What was customary in Turin for an engaged couple on a Valentine's Day?(find out the answer in link: Valentine's Day in Italy)
6)Why was the Valentine's Day called "the Birds Wedding Day"?(find out the answer in link: Valentine's Day Traditions and Customs)


понедельник, 24 января 2011 г.

Lifestyles of diffrent people

Here are two descriptions of people lifestyles.

Jane has exciting, creative and a little bit stressful lifestyle.She loves music and her job associate with music.She travels a lot,too.Jane works with many young music bands.

Steve has interesting, active and stressful life.He doesn't even watch television, he works on it,too.Sometimes he travels and than talks about this country on TV.Else he speaks to many people and big part of them are famous and he talks about they lifes on TV, too.

Guess who are they!