среда, 14 сентября 2011 г.

Job Description

For this description I have chosen a lawyer and his job.
I think, that lawyer's work is hard, but in the same time very interesting and important. For this profession human has to be morally and mentally strong, tolerant and must have a tenacious memory to remember criminal code, laws and human rights. Certanly he sould be skilful and professional.
Lawyer's work is connected with people.His job is - defend people's innocent, positions and rights in differents situations.For example, when people don't konw laws and don't know what to do in situation connected with laws, they turn to lawyer for a help.Or if human need a protect or the help to prove his innocent he asks for help lawyer and the lawyer need to do for this differents investigations, find out facts and witnesses.
This profession is interesting for me because I want to help people, protecting their rights.So in the future I want to become the lawyer.

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