среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Working with the press


Task 1. Read the article by following the link and try to answer the questions below.

1) What problems with health can people being in constant loneliness have?
2) How does the time shift underground and how does it affect the bilogical mode of people being underground?
3) What kind of hallucinations has group of volunteers experienced in the dark?
4) How did that group of volunteers feel after the experiment they took part in?
5) Why does a brain create hallucinations when people are stayng in isolated rooms?

Task 2. Match the difinitions with the words from the text.

1) __________ - v. to help someone to get out of a place
2) __________ - adj. spoken well and without difficulty
3) __________ - n. a way of thinking about things
4) __________ - v. to experience difficulties and be likely to fail
5) __________ - adj. not real but intended to look or seem real

Link to the dictionary

вторник, 20 января 2015 г.

Work with press

Read the text and fill the gaps. There are two sentences you do not have to use.

Friends want life advice? Tell them to travel more

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” – Mark Twain

Related article: Surreal towns, shaped by nature

Mark Twain is just one of history’s many writers and thinkers who list travel as an essential piece of life’s ultimate journey. But what makes seeing the world so important?
1.....In response to the question “Why do people advise ‘travelling’ so much when I ask them about life advice?”, community members shared how their own travel experiences shaped their lives and perspectives, and why they would recommend it to others. 2.....
You’ll better understand yourself
Travel sometimes forces people into unusual or stressful situations. Doria Arlin Ortega Michel, originally from Mexico, experienced this first-hand on her first night in Denmark, on a completely different continent in a country where she didn’t speak the native language. The airlines lost her luggage, her hotel reservations went missing and she had to navigate a new university campus to find her classes. 3.....
“I had been confronted to do things that I could never do or never had the necessity to do at home,” Ortega Michel explained. “I have learned from great people about different styles of living, about different cultures, about kindness, about wisdom, courage, respect… things I would have never have learned if I did not go out of my comfort zone and decide to travel alone.”
Fellow student Fernando Ortega put his travelling experience in similar terms. “You learn what you are made of,” he said. “How long you can walk without rest, how little you can spend… and you also get to discover what kind of things truly interest you.”
One of Ortega’s favourite places is the city of Venice, despite others telling him the city “smells bad because of the water”, had “too many tourists”, or was “too expensive”. 4.....
Quora user Andrew Anya echoed the sentiment, saying travel “is the best chance you have to see an unfiltered, unbiased view of the world”. But he also made it clear that travel isn’t an end in itself. 5.....
You’ll gain a broader perspective
As Twain’s quote emphasises, travel can open people’s minds and allow them to see things from a new perspective.
“When you travel, you are faced with alternative cultures that have a different way of doing, thinking and believing,” said Simon Huggins. 6..... When you get home, you come back to your own culture with different eyes and a more questioning mind.”
7..... From the juxtaposition of slums against the city, the madness of the traffic and the incredible humidity, the sensory inundation was enough to stay with him forever. Years later, they are the details he most vividly recalls – far more than his visit to the Taj Mahal, which he described as “just another building” in the face of his other eye-opening cultural experiences.

A. Instead of believing what they said, he went, and fell in love with the history of a place where “so many things happened”.
B. We conducted a survey among people to find the best answer to this.
C. “It challenges your assumptions and makes you shift your way of looking at things.
D. Here are a few of the themes that came up again and again.
E. “If the experience doesn't change you, you've wasted it… so travel with a purpose, not just for the sake of it.”
F. But the experience made her grow as a person, meet new people and realise that “the world is not as scary as some say.”
G. For Huggins, a trip to Mumbai opened his eyes to how different life could be to his hometown of Banbury, England.
H. We went looking for reasons on question-and-answer community Quora.com.
i. “It gives your lots of unforgettable sensations that stay with you for a lifetime.”
